Hands up anyone who donates to charity? Whether it’s a standing order each month or just dumping all your loose change in a bucket someone waves under your nose on the high street, things are getting tighter.
I for one have less money spare for charity, which saddens me but needs must and as a family we just don’t have the spare cash at the moment.
So recently I was introduced to www.everyclick.com – a website search engine that donates to charity every time you do a search! How cool is that?
The owners say – “Everyclick is a search engine like Google – but users can choose any UK charity to donate to when they use it. It doesn’t cost them or the charities a penny – all the money is sourced from advertising (as with Google), with money going to charity with each and every search.
Alongside the search function, you can also donate directly to charities (many of whom don’t have online donation facilities), gain sponsorship, send e-cards and shop online – with % of your purchases going to charity. In fact much more goes to charity than with Justgiving.com. Everyclick has equated that if just 10% of the UK’s online population used Everyclick.com, we could raise more than £76 million a year for UK charities.
Everyclick is the UK’s 8th largest search engine and has already raised over £690,000 for UK charities and has over 140,000 registered users and over 1 million unique users.”
I gave it a go and found it easy to use. The results were different to Google, I searched for wooden toys on both Google and on Everyclick and had different results on each, which I guess is a good thing, as I saw more retailers by doing it on both.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the mention! We're glad that you love the site and are spreading the word.
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