I wouldn't normally go on about dish washing but the new 'Dishmatic' I've discovered is great! Bought in Tesco for £1.19 and I love it.
Now... I have a man who doesn't like spending money on things he doesn't have to, so buying 'a new dishwashing contraption' was not a good move, initially... especially as when you look at it, on first glance it looks like a little washing up liquid muncher. But read on...
Dishmatic has a plastic (recycled) handle, with a green end bit that has a lid that lifts off. Then there are interchangeable sponge heads with scrubby sides on them for really dirty dishes. What you do is get your Fairy liquid and fill the handle to this contraption with washing up liquid then use it as a normal washing up brush.
Simples.... as a much loved Meerkat would say.
However, Himself eyed it with suspicion. How much liquid is THAT thing going to use each time you wash up? he cried... and I admit I wondered too. We gingerly placed about an inch of washing up liquid in the handle (just incase...we didn't want to fill it all up and rsik losing the lot you know!)
The first washing up experience was great, the green scrubby sides were good for most stuff, even some burnt on sausage on a frying pan, it really went the extra mile!
But what about the washing liquid in the handle you ask? It seemed to all still be there! Yet we had bubbles in the bowl and all the greasy muck was off the dishes! So how?
Well actually we're not sure! But we both love the new Dishmatic, we know that! So far we've used it 3 or 4 times and it still appears to have the same amount of washing up liquid in it! Himself thinks its gods gift to washing up as he won't eve have to buy any more fairy...
I'm fairly certain it must use SOME Fairy but my goodness it'll last forever!!
By the way, you can also buy refill sponges to place on the same handle if you scrub so hard they wear out.